Arts education has many benefits for kids. It fosters creativity and critical thinking and improves discipline. It also boosts academic growth. Yet few schools offer arts education. This lack of support often results from the fear that arts education will compromise academic achievement. But when arts education is properly integrated into the curriculum, children will benefit from a broader educational experience.
Art education is a creative opportunity for kids
Art classes give kids a chance to explore their imaginations and problem-solving skills. Unlike other subjects in school that teach facts and correct and incorrect answers, art education is open-ended and celebrates differences in finished products. Through hands-on projects, kids learn they can make anything they imagine a reality. Furthermore, by studying the arts and humanities, children learn how to think critically and develop empathy.
Promote self-respect
In addition to helping kids develop their skills and confidence, art can promote self-respect. Kids under pressure to perform well academically find that making art can be a welcome respite. It can also help children deal with conflict in constructive ways.
It boosts critical thinking
When taught in an environment where the arts are part of the curriculum, students learn more about creativity, attention to detail, and problem-solving. Students gain confidence and become more motivated to learn. These skills are vital for various fields, from social studies to math. Through arts integration, students improve their critical thinking skills, and this helps them succeed in school and beyond.
It improves discipline
Arts integration in the school setting emphasizes interdisciplinary connections between arts education and core curriculum areas. The students experience multiple art forms within a single lesson, resulting in deep connections and thought processes. Arts integration helps schools address key school concerns, such as bullying or character education. By connecting the arts with the core curriculum, students can engage in various disciplines and achieve greater academic success.
It boosts academic growth
Arts integration in school can increase students’ confidence and enthusiasm for learning. It can also increase their focus and motivation, which in turn can help them make deeper connections and improve their thought processes. Most importantly, students will be more likely to persist when actively engaged in arts-based activities when faced with problems.